Round 1: Good pace from the bell. Archuleta lands a left uppercut. He throws a wild right, but misses. Molina lands a right uppercut. Archuleta lands a left hook. Molina fires an overhand right and follows with a left hook to the body. Molina backs Archuleta into the corner. Archuleta lands an overhand right. Molina gets hit with a right to his body and Archuleta follows with a left to the body. Left hook lands to the head of Molina. Archuleta lands a jab. Molina tries to impose his will on Archuleta and fires a stiff, left jab as the bell rings.
Round 2: Archuleta jabs, then double jabs. Molina lands two jabs of his own. Archuleta throws a combination and lands a hard left hook to the body. Molina jabs to the body and continues to stalk forward. Good exchanges occur with Archuleta landing an uppercut. Molina momentarily stuns Archuleta with a right. Archuleta ties up briefly, but then fires back. Archuleta lands quick combination on Molina as Molina's back is to the ropes. Molina lands a right to the head followed by a right to the body. Archuleta is stunned and Molina jumps on him with a flurry. Down goes Archuleta. Archuleta stands up, but the referee stops the fight.
Overall Summary: Frankie Archuleta was winning the fight. He was landing quick combination punches. He kept beating Molina to the punch. Molina came forward a lot without using a jab. Archuleta just got caught by some punches from a guy that hit harder. Molina is a good offensive fighter, but needs to drastically improve his defense if he is going to take it to the next level. Molina improves to 17-0, 13 KO's.
Round 2: Archuleta jabs, then double jabs. Molina lands two jabs of his own. Archuleta throws a combination and lands a hard left hook to the body. Molina jabs to the body and continues to stalk forward. Good exchanges occur with Archuleta landing an uppercut. Molina momentarily stuns Archuleta with a right. Archuleta ties up briefly, but then fires back. Archuleta lands quick combination on Molina as Molina's back is to the ropes. Molina lands a right to the head followed by a right to the body. Archuleta is stunned and Molina jumps on him with a flurry. Down goes Archuleta. Archuleta stands up, but the referee stops the fight.
Overall Summary: Frankie Archuleta was winning the fight. He was landing quick combination punches. He kept beating Molina to the punch. Molina came forward a lot without using a jab. Archuleta just got caught by some punches from a guy that hit harder. Molina is a good offensive fighter, but needs to drastically improve his defense if he is going to take it to the next level. Molina improves to 17-0, 13 KO's.
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