Robert Guerrero Defeats Efren Hinojosa By TKO After 8 Rounds
Round 1: Guerrero hits Hinojosa with a right hook to the head followed by a straight left. Guerrero presses the action and lands a left uppercut. Hinojosa lands a straight right. Guerrero fires a straight left. Hinojosa hits Guerrero's head with a right uppercut. Guerrero nails Hinojosa with a left to the body followed by a right hook to his head. Guerrero throws a flurry. Hinojosa is fighting too straight up. Guerrero fires and lands another right hook to Hinojosa's head.
Round 2: Guerrero jabs and throws a right hook to the body and head. Hinojosa has a very slow jab and Guerrero counters with a right hook to the head. Hinojosa lands an overhand right then lands a straight right to Guerrero's head. Guerrero tags Hinojosa with some big straight lefts. Hinojosa is getting hit with too many clean punches. Guerrero jabs and Hinojosa tries to tie up. Hinojosa is not throwing many punches.
Round 3: Guerrero lands a combination and Hinojosa counters with a straight right. Guerrero lands a straight left. Guerrero presses forward throwing his right jab and lands a right hook to the head. Guerrero flurries and hits Hinojosa with a straight left that sends him back into the ropes. Guerrero nails Hinojosa with another straight left.
Round 4: Guerrero is throwing more to Hinojosa's body and lands a straight left. Hinojosa throws a flurry, but gets countered with a right hook. Guerrero lands a straight left and Hinojosa throws an overhand right. Guerrero closes the gap very well. Hinojosa jars Guerrero with a straight right to the head.
Round 5: Hinojosa lands some shots on the inside, but Guerrero counters with a right hook to the head. Guerrero lands consecutive straight lefts. Guerrero is imposing his will on Hinojosa and has a higher work rate.
Round 6: Hinojosa lands a straight right. Guerrero lands a straight left. Guerrero lands a straight left - right hook combination. Hinojosa lands a left hook - straight right combination. Guerrero lands consecutive straight lefts again. Guerrero fires and lands a left uppercut - straight left combination.
Round 7: Guerrero continues to land straight lefts and right hooks to Hinojosa's head. Guerrero nails Hinojosa with a left uppercut. A left rocks Hinojosa back into the ropes as Guerrero is picking him apart. Hinojosa lands a hard overhand right, but Guerrero took it well. Hinojosa has a weak jab and Guerrero is walking through it.
Round 8: Hinojosa hits Guerrero with a straight right. Guerrero throws a straight left - right hook combination. Guerrero continues to land his straight left. Hinojosa does not come out for Round 9.
Overall Summary: Efren Hinojosa was greatly outclassed as Robert Guerrero landed damaging shots throughout the entire fight and badly bruised Hinojosa's face. Guerrero fought through a cut above his left eye caused from an accidental clash of heads in Round 7. As slow as Hinojosa's punches were, he did manage to land a few clean shots in the fight.
It was a very solid outing for the southpaw from Gilroy, California. It was sort of a comeback fight for Guerrero because he suffered a cut in his last fight and it was ruled a no-contest. He looked sharp throwing combinations to Hinojosa's body and head. Robert Guerrero's record improves to 24-1-1, 17 KO's. Guerrero may move up from the Junior Lightweight division to the Lightweight division for a battle with Juan Diaz in the near future. Efren Hinojosa's record falls to 30-6-1, 17 KO's. Hinojosa has now lost 4 of his last 5 fights.
Round 2: Guerrero jabs and throws a right hook to the body and head. Hinojosa has a very slow jab and Guerrero counters with a right hook to the head. Hinojosa lands an overhand right then lands a straight right to Guerrero's head. Guerrero tags Hinojosa with some big straight lefts. Hinojosa is getting hit with too many clean punches. Guerrero jabs and Hinojosa tries to tie up. Hinojosa is not throwing many punches.
Round 3: Guerrero lands a combination and Hinojosa counters with a straight right. Guerrero lands a straight left. Guerrero presses forward throwing his right jab and lands a right hook to the head. Guerrero flurries and hits Hinojosa with a straight left that sends him back into the ropes. Guerrero nails Hinojosa with another straight left.
Round 4: Guerrero is throwing more to Hinojosa's body and lands a straight left. Hinojosa throws a flurry, but gets countered with a right hook. Guerrero lands a straight left and Hinojosa throws an overhand right. Guerrero closes the gap very well. Hinojosa jars Guerrero with a straight right to the head.
Round 5: Hinojosa lands some shots on the inside, but Guerrero counters with a right hook to the head. Guerrero lands consecutive straight lefts. Guerrero is imposing his will on Hinojosa and has a higher work rate.
Round 6: Hinojosa lands a straight right. Guerrero lands a straight left. Guerrero lands a straight left - right hook combination. Hinojosa lands a left hook - straight right combination. Guerrero lands consecutive straight lefts again. Guerrero fires and lands a left uppercut - straight left combination.
Round 7: Guerrero continues to land straight lefts and right hooks to Hinojosa's head. Guerrero nails Hinojosa with a left uppercut. A left rocks Hinojosa back into the ropes as Guerrero is picking him apart. Hinojosa lands a hard overhand right, but Guerrero took it well. Hinojosa has a weak jab and Guerrero is walking through it.
Round 8: Hinojosa hits Guerrero with a straight right. Guerrero throws a straight left - right hook combination. Guerrero continues to land his straight left. Hinojosa does not come out for Round 9.
Overall Summary: Efren Hinojosa was greatly outclassed as Robert Guerrero landed damaging shots throughout the entire fight and badly bruised Hinojosa's face. Guerrero fought through a cut above his left eye caused from an accidental clash of heads in Round 7. As slow as Hinojosa's punches were, he did manage to land a few clean shots in the fight.
It was a very solid outing for the southpaw from Gilroy, California. It was sort of a comeback fight for Guerrero because he suffered a cut in his last fight and it was ruled a no-contest. He looked sharp throwing combinations to Hinojosa's body and head. Robert Guerrero's record improves to 24-1-1, 17 KO's. Guerrero may move up from the Junior Lightweight division to the Lightweight division for a battle with Juan Diaz in the near future. Efren Hinojosa's record falls to 30-6-1, 17 KO's. Hinojosa has now lost 4 of his last 5 fights.
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