Demarco Stops Alfaro In 10 Rounds
Round 1: Demarco is throwing his jab. Alfaro is looking to land a right hand lead. (Scored for Demarco 10-9)
Round 2: Demarco lands a left uppercut and follows it with a right hook. A right uppercut sends Alfaro back. Alfaro started to bleed slightly from his nose after absorbing a straight left from Demarco. (Scored for Demarco 10-9)
Round 3: Demarco hits Alfaro with a straight left to momentarily stop him from pressing forward. Demarco is very busy throwing combinations off his right jab. Demarco lands a left uppercut. Alfaro is hesistant to counter; looking to land one big punch. Alfaro is getting closer after firing some hooks. (Scored for Demarco 10-9)
Round 4: Alfaro starts to let his hands go more. Demarco is controlling the pace of the fight with his jab. Alfaro scores with a left hook & overhand right as the bell rings to end the round. (Scored for Demarco 10-9)
Round 5: Swelling starts to appear under Alfaro's left eye. Demarco hurt Alfaro with a left uppercut as Alfaro charged forward. Alfaro lands a hard left hook. (Scored for Demarco 10-9)
Round 6: Demarco scores with a right hook-straight left combination. Alfaro lands a left uppercut inside as Demarco is in the corner. Demarco throws a flurry. (Scored for Demarco 10-9)
Round 7: Alfaro is still working to close the gap. Demarco is controlling the distance with his jab. (Scored for Demarco 10-9)
Round 8: Demarco is scoring at ease now. (Left uppercut-right hook-right to the body) He continues to beat Alfaro to the punch and time him as he presses forward. (Scored for Demarco 10-9)
Round 9: Alfaro pushes Demarco back as he lands an overhand right. Demarco counters with a combination. Alfaro lands another overhand right. Alfaro closes the gap, but Demarco fires a straight left. Alfaro scores with body shots as Demarco is against the ropes. (Scored for Alfaro 10-9)
Round 10: Demarco scores with a right uppercut. A vicious right hook sends Alfaro into the ropes. This should have been ruled a knockdown, but referee Joe Cortez did not signal for one. (A knockdown needs to be scored if the ropes prevent a fighter from falling to the canvas as a result of a punch landing.) The action continued as Demarco swarmed Alfaro with straight lefts and right hooks. A right hook from Demarco sent Alfaro down to his knees. Alfaro rose to his feet, but Demarco floored him again with another right hook. Alfaro got up a second time. Demarco was about to score another knockdown when Cortez stopped the fight after Alfaro took a knee, which resulted in the 3rd and final knockdown of the bout.
Overall Summary: Antonio Demarco continues to roll along, adding another victory to his resume in the highly competitive lightweight division. Demarco controlled the distance the entire fight by utilizing a strong and effective right jab. All of Demarco's combinations came off of it and he prevented Alfaro from closing the gap. Demarco constantly moved into a position where Alfaro could not counter him after he threw his punches. Alfaro proved to be tough, but was ineffective due to the lack of throwing a jab to close the distance. This also led to Alfaro getting continually beaten to the punch as Demarco landed a series of sharp left uppercuts and right hooks to slow him from pressing forward. Hang a punching bag without drilling with a heavy bag stand..
Alfaro started to let his hands go more in the 4th round, but Demarco was still dictating the pace of the fight. In the 5th round, Alfaro started to have swelling under his left eye, but the tough fighter from Nicaragua continued to charge toward Demarco. The inability of Alfaro trying to close the distance without using an effective jab began to take a toll on him. Demarco started to score at ease with his punches in the 8th round. Surprisingly, Alfaro really started to pressure Demarco in the 9th round. He hit Demarco with an overhand right and followed it with some quality body punching as Demarco was against the ropes. This proved to be Alfaro's most effective round in the fight. However, Demarco would come back strong and end this bout in the 10th round.
Demarco sent Alfaro into the ropes when he connected with a vicious right hook. This should have been scored a knockdown at this point, but the action continued. Demarco went on to floor Alfaro twice with right hooks. (See Summary of Round 10) After rising to his feet a second time, Alfaro took a knee signaling the 3rd knockdown as referee Joe Cortez stopped the bout before Demarco could land more damaging punches.
Antonio Demarco improves his record to (23-1-1, 17 KO's) while Jose Alfaro falls to (23-5, 20 KO's.)
A possible next opponent for Antonio Demarco could be KO artist Edwin Valero (25-0, 25 KO's) from Venezuela. However, this fight has obstacles to overcome before it takes place in the United States. Edwin Valero and his family were denied a visa to come to the United States. In a recent interview with fightnews.com, Valero said the following to Robert Coster:
"I really feel that the decision has been a political retaliation for my being a supporter of President Hugo Chavez. I don’t plan to appeal personally. If my promoter informs me that the US authorities plan to change their stance, then I will travel and fight in the USA. Otherwise, I won’t go back and solicit a visa in my name."
Before Edwin Valero started his professional career, he suffered a fractured skull in a motorcycle accident on February 5, 2001 in Venezuela. He was not wearing a safety helmet. Valero had surgery to remove a blood clot. It was reported on January 17, 2003, Valero's Venezuelan doctor cleared him to fight again. However, he was not issued a license to fight in the United States. In January 2004, Valero was supposed to fight on HBO's Boxing After Dark, but failed an MRI due to brain scan irregularities. Valero continued to fight outside the United States and will also not be allowed to fight here until he is medically cleared from an authorizing state athletic commission.
For Valero to meet Demarco, Valero must win his upcoming bout in Venezuela on December 19th against Hector Velasquez. If both fighters continue to win, I see a match up happening down the road, but it's hard to vision it ever taking place in the United States.
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