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Round 1: Harris lands a right uppercut followed by a straight a left. Quintero lands the same punches. Quintero lands a straight left, but was countered with a hard right hook to the head from Harris. Both fighters landed very hard punches.
Round 2: Quintero is boxing more and lands a straight left. Quintero is landing solid punches off his right jab. Harris hit Quintero with good power shots, but Quintero landed more combinations behind the jab.
Round 3: Quintero is hitting Harris with combinations to the body. Harris is countering with a straight left and hard right hook. Quintero lands a low blow.
Round 4: Both fighters exchanged many straight lefts. Harris hammers Quintero coming toward him with a counter right hook.
Round 5: Harris continues to catch Quintero with punches as he is coming in, especially landing the right hook. Quintero is throwing punches, but just as he finishes his combinations, Harris times Quintero with sharp lefts and right hooks. After the round, Quintero appears upset on his stool in the corner.
Round 6: Showtime's commentator Nick Charles reports Quintero may have hurt his right hand. Quintero lands a straight left - right hook combination. Harris rocks Quintero with a right hook - left uppercut combination. Quintero comes back to land a straight left and left uppercut.
Quintero is fighting Harris very hard.
Round 7: Harris lands another right hook. Quintero is coming forward landing combinations. Harris hits Quintero with straight left. Quintero tags Harris with a straight left. Quintero is the aggressor and is landing his combinations. Harris lands two very hard straight lefts just before the bell sounds to end the round.
Round 8: Harris nails Quintero with a straight left and Quintero is out on his feet. Quintero falls back into the ropes. Harris nails Quintero with a left uppercut and than hit him with another straight left, sending Quintero into the corner. The referee stopped the bout.
Overall Summary: In the main event, Tyrone Harris (24-5, 16 KO's) scored an upset victory over Marvin Quintero (16-2, 12 KO's), stopping him in the 8th round of a 10 round junior lightweight bout. Quintero was fighting hard and landing solid combinations, but got hit by Harris too often. Harris was landing hard, crisp counter right hooks all bout. Both fighters were exchanging hard blows, but it was Harris who landed the cleaner punches.
Harris landed two clean straight lefts near the end of the 7th round, which set the tone for what happened in the 8th round. Harris placed his punches intelligently. He showed very good timing as he landed many counter right hooks to Quintero's head. Just as Quintero would finish throwing his combinations, Harris threw his punches and landed them cleanly. Finally, in the 8th round after taking many clean shots, Quintero was finished with a hard straight left from Harris that he did not appear to see coming.
In other action in the bantamweight division, 19 year old Chris Avalos improved his record to (11-0, 9 KO's) by stopping a south paw, Andre Wilson (11-3-1, 9 KO's) in the second round. Wilson was the first southpaw Avalos has faced in his professional career. In the 1st round, Wilson stayed on the outside as Avalos tried to land straight rights. In the 2nd round, Avalos landed a hard, counter left hook. Then, Wilson was dropped from another left hook. Wilson rose to his feet, but Avalos floored him again with a right hand. Avalos swarmed Wilson again, landing a right and left hook that prompted the referee to stop the fight.
Round 2: Quintero is boxing more and lands a straight left. Quintero is landing solid punches off his right jab. Harris hit Quintero with good power shots, but Quintero landed more combinations behind the jab.
Round 3: Quintero is hitting Harris with combinations to the body. Harris is countering with a straight left and hard right hook. Quintero lands a low blow.
Round 4: Both fighters exchanged many straight lefts. Harris hammers Quintero coming toward him with a counter right hook.
Round 5: Harris continues to catch Quintero with punches as he is coming in, especially landing the right hook. Quintero is throwing punches, but just as he finishes his combinations, Harris times Quintero with sharp lefts and right hooks. After the round, Quintero appears upset on his stool in the corner.
Round 6: Showtime's commentator Nick Charles reports Quintero may have hurt his right hand. Quintero lands a straight left - right hook combination. Harris rocks Quintero with a right hook - left uppercut combination. Quintero comes back to land a straight left and left uppercut.
Quintero is fighting Harris very hard.
Round 7: Harris lands another right hook. Quintero is coming forward landing combinations. Harris hits Quintero with straight left. Quintero tags Harris with a straight left. Quintero is the aggressor and is landing his combinations. Harris lands two very hard straight lefts just before the bell sounds to end the round.
Round 8: Harris nails Quintero with a straight left and Quintero is out on his feet. Quintero falls back into the ropes. Harris nails Quintero with a left uppercut and than hit him with another straight left, sending Quintero into the corner. The referee stopped the bout.
Overall Summary: In the main event, Tyrone Harris (24-5, 16 KO's) scored an upset victory over Marvin Quintero (16-2, 12 KO's), stopping him in the 8th round of a 10 round junior lightweight bout. Quintero was fighting hard and landing solid combinations, but got hit by Harris too often. Harris was landing hard, crisp counter right hooks all bout. Both fighters were exchanging hard blows, but it was Harris who landed the cleaner punches.
Harris landed two clean straight lefts near the end of the 7th round, which set the tone for what happened in the 8th round. Harris placed his punches intelligently. He showed very good timing as he landed many counter right hooks to Quintero's head. Just as Quintero would finish throwing his combinations, Harris threw his punches and landed them cleanly. Finally, in the 8th round after taking many clean shots, Quintero was finished with a hard straight left from Harris that he did not appear to see coming.
In other action in the bantamweight division, 19 year old Chris Avalos improved his record to (11-0, 9 KO's) by stopping a south paw, Andre Wilson (11-3-1, 9 KO's) in the second round. Wilson was the first southpaw Avalos has faced in his professional career. In the 1st round, Wilson stayed on the outside as Avalos tried to land straight rights. In the 2nd round, Avalos landed a hard, counter left hook. Then, Wilson was dropped from another left hook. Wilson rose to his feet, but Avalos floored him again with a right hand. Avalos swarmed Wilson again, landing a right and left hook that prompted the referee to stop the fight.
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