Tavoris Cloud Wins 12 Round Unanimous Decision Over Clinton Woods
Cloud Pictured Top, Woods Pictured Bottom
Cloud Pictured Top, Woods Pictured Bottom
Round 1: Cloud is busier and has the edge in hand speed. Woods lands a hook and left uppercut inside. When Cloud stopped jabbing, both fighters exchanged and landed clean shots. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 2: Woods hits Cloud with a left hook followed by a right. Cloud gets nailed with a left uppercut-right hand combination from Woods. Cloud snaps Woods' head back with a right uppercut. Woods is jabbing more this round. (Scored for Woods)
Round 3: Cloud hits Woods with a right. Cloud lands a jab-overhand right combination. Woods tags Cloud with a right uppercut. Cloud responds with a combination. Cloud nails Woods with a clean right. A left hook-right hand combination score for Cloud. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 4: Woods lands a left hook. Cloud hammers Woods with a left hook to the body and head. Cloud lands consecutive rights. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 5: Good, competitive round. Both fighters land punches off their jab. I thought Woods beat Cloud a little bit more to the punch. (Scored for Woods)
Round 6: Cloud picks up the pace. Cloud landed more punches. Woods is getting hit with Cloud's right more this round. Cloud lands a left uppercut inside. Cloud hits Woods in the body. Cloud lands consecutive rights to close round. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 7: Cloud hits Woods with a left hook to the body and head. Woods is getting hit with hard overhand rights from Cloud. Cloud is putting the pressure on. Woods' punch output is decreasing. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 8: Woods connects with a left uppercut. Cloud counters with a left hook to the head. Cloud starts hammering Woods - left hook, overhand right, left hook...Woods is staggering against the ropes. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 9: Cloud hits Woods with an overhand right. He jumps on the attack again. A hard right stuns Woods. Cloud connects with a left hook to the head. Woods is backed against the ropes. Woods is firing back, but there is not enough behind his punches. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 2: Woods hits Cloud with a left hook followed by a right. Cloud gets nailed with a left uppercut-right hand combination from Woods. Cloud snaps Woods' head back with a right uppercut. Woods is jabbing more this round. (Scored for Woods)
Round 3: Cloud hits Woods with a right. Cloud lands a jab-overhand right combination. Woods tags Cloud with a right uppercut. Cloud responds with a combination. Cloud nails Woods with a clean right. A left hook-right hand combination score for Cloud. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 4: Woods lands a left hook. Cloud hammers Woods with a left hook to the body and head. Cloud lands consecutive rights. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 5: Good, competitive round. Both fighters land punches off their jab. I thought Woods beat Cloud a little bit more to the punch. (Scored for Woods)
Round 6: Cloud picks up the pace. Cloud landed more punches. Woods is getting hit with Cloud's right more this round. Cloud lands a left uppercut inside. Cloud hits Woods in the body. Cloud lands consecutive rights to close round. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 7: Cloud hits Woods with a left hook to the body and head. Woods is getting hit with hard overhand rights from Cloud. Cloud is putting the pressure on. Woods' punch output is decreasing. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 8: Woods connects with a left uppercut. Cloud counters with a left hook to the head. Cloud starts hammering Woods - left hook, overhand right, left hook...Woods is staggering against the ropes. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 9: Cloud hits Woods with an overhand right. He jumps on the attack again. A hard right stuns Woods. Cloud connects with a left hook to the head. Woods is backed against the ropes. Woods is firing back, but there is not enough behind his punches. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 10: Woods connects with a left hook. Cloud counters with an overhand right. Woods gets stunned by a left hook to the head. Two overhand rights and a left hook hurt Woods. Woods fires back, but Cloud is overwhelming him. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 11: Woods is jabbing. Cloud lands a counter right. Toe-to-toe action closes the round. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 12: Woods is giving a valiant effort, but Cloud is going hard at him. (Scored for Cloud)
Overall Summary: Tavoris Cloud (20-0, 18 KO's) wins the IBF Light Heavyweight title with a hard fought victory over Clinton Woods (42-5-1, 24 KO's). Going into the fight, Cloud had knocked out 13 straight opponents. Woods had been stopped only once in his career by Roy Jones Jr. back in 2002. At times, it looked as if Cloud would stop him, but Woods showed courage and fired punches back when he was in trouble. All three judges scored the bout 116-112. I scored the bout 118-110 or 10 rounds to 2 for Cloud.
Both fighters showed they can take a solid punch. Cloud landed the harder, cleaner punches in the bout, but Woods caught Cloud cleanly a few times during exchanges. The more Cloud jabbed, the more he controlled the pace of the fight. Cloud's youth was also an added bonus. He threw more punches than Woods and kept coming at him. It appeared every punch he threw, he wanted to knock out Woods. Woods' most effective punches came when Cloud momentarily stopped throwing the jab or when Cloud was inside the pocket too long.
Tavoris Cloud may have set up a possible showdown with the winner of Chad Dawson-Glen Johnson II, which takes place on November 7th. Bernard Hopkins called out the winner of that match up, but I think most fight fans rather see B-Hop move up in weight and challenge Tomasz Adamek at cruiserweight. With Cloud's impressive performance over Woods, which was his toughest professional fight to date, he earned the right to face the Dawson-Johnson winner.
If Cloud were to fight the winner, either Dawson or Johnson would be an intriguing fight. With their styles, Johnson and Cloud would come forward and that would make an all action fight. If Cloud were to fight Dawson, could Cloud deal with Dawson's hand speed and southpaw style? Cloud would need to get inside by jabbing. Cloud definitely possesses the power to hurt Dawson. Dawson likes to throw that left uppercut-right hook combination. During the fight with Woods, Cloud got hit cleanly a few times by Woods, who doesn't punch as fast as Dawson. An effective jab can neutralize Dawson's hand speed. Also, Cloud has the big right hand, which is the best weapon when facing a southpaw. Well, this new title holder has some nice options ahead of him as well as a bright future. Everlast and Ringside punching bags and save with $2.95 shipping!
Round 11: Woods is jabbing. Cloud lands a counter right. Toe-to-toe action closes the round. (Scored for Cloud)
Round 12: Woods is giving a valiant effort, but Cloud is going hard at him. (Scored for Cloud)
Overall Summary: Tavoris Cloud (20-0, 18 KO's) wins the IBF Light Heavyweight title with a hard fought victory over Clinton Woods (42-5-1, 24 KO's). Going into the fight, Cloud had knocked out 13 straight opponents. Woods had been stopped only once in his career by Roy Jones Jr. back in 2002. At times, it looked as if Cloud would stop him, but Woods showed courage and fired punches back when he was in trouble. All three judges scored the bout 116-112. I scored the bout 118-110 or 10 rounds to 2 for Cloud.
Both fighters showed they can take a solid punch. Cloud landed the harder, cleaner punches in the bout, but Woods caught Cloud cleanly a few times during exchanges. The more Cloud jabbed, the more he controlled the pace of the fight. Cloud's youth was also an added bonus. He threw more punches than Woods and kept coming at him. It appeared every punch he threw, he wanted to knock out Woods. Woods' most effective punches came when Cloud momentarily stopped throwing the jab or when Cloud was inside the pocket too long.
Tavoris Cloud may have set up a possible showdown with the winner of Chad Dawson-Glen Johnson II, which takes place on November 7th. Bernard Hopkins called out the winner of that match up, but I think most fight fans rather see B-Hop move up in weight and challenge Tomasz Adamek at cruiserweight. With Cloud's impressive performance over Woods, which was his toughest professional fight to date, he earned the right to face the Dawson-Johnson winner.
If Cloud were to fight the winner, either Dawson or Johnson would be an intriguing fight. With their styles, Johnson and Cloud would come forward and that would make an all action fight. If Cloud were to fight Dawson, could Cloud deal with Dawson's hand speed and southpaw style? Cloud would need to get inside by jabbing. Cloud definitely possesses the power to hurt Dawson. Dawson likes to throw that left uppercut-right hook combination. During the fight with Woods, Cloud got hit cleanly a few times by Woods, who doesn't punch as fast as Dawson. An effective jab can neutralize Dawson's hand speed. Also, Cloud has the big right hand, which is the best weapon when facing a southpaw. Well, this new title holder has some nice options ahead of him as well as a bright future. Everlast and Ringside punching bags and save with $2.95 shipping!
1 comment:
I wanna see Tavaris s Chad. Who u got??
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