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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ramos Defeats Perez: 11-28-09 SHOWTIME

(Rico Ramos Pictured Above)

In an 8 round super bantamweight bout (122 lbs.), Rico Ramos won a competitive, one-sided decision over Alejandro Perez.

Alejandro Perez put the pressure on Rico Ramos early, scoring with body punches and left hooks in the 1st round. Ramos tried to find his range with the jab and landed some left hooks and overhand rights to Perez's head. Perez was assertive, but not reckless throwing his punches. He placed his shots well in this round and landed better combinations.

In the 2nd round, Perez continued to successfully apply pressure on Ramos. He landed hard combinations to Ramos' body. Ramos countered with some combination punching of his own. When Perez got into range, Ramos would flurry with left hooks and right hands. Then, Ramos moved and tried to fight from the outside, to control distance with his jab. Perez continued to stay on top of him. Toward the end of the round, Ramos was being attacked by Perez. Perez threw an overhand right as Ramos was trapped in the corner. Ramos fired a short, quick right to the head that Perez never saw and it dropped him to the canvas.

Ramos was being forced again to counter in the 3rd round due to the relentless assault of Perez. In the first minute, Ramos rocked Perez with some brutal left hooks and rights to the head. Ramos clearly showed the edge in hand speed. Perez was getting blistered with effective counter punches from Ramos, but managed to stay on his feet.

Moving into the 4th round, Ramos seemed to find his range. Perez backed Ramos into a corner, but Ramos fought his way out. Perez trapped Ramos into another corner and was hitting him with rock-solid shots to the body. However, Ramos countered Perez with very sharp and accurate left uppercuts. As the round headed to a close, Ramos slowed the body attack of Perez by landing short left hooks to Perez's head.

The 5th round began with Perez absorbing punishing left hooks and right hands to his face. Perez took a sound punch, but he was starting to slow down. Then, Ramos landed consecutive left hooks to Perez's body. Perez was relentless, but was taking too many clean punches from Ramos.

Heading into the 6th round, Ramos had established control of the fight. Perez continued to absorb hard left hooks from Ramos as he charged forward. In the 7th round, Perez started fast and caught Ramos in the corner. Ramos moved out of the corner and staggered Perez with a big left hook. Ramos jumped on him, landing some more left hooks. Next, Ramos followed up with a series of rights and left uppercuts that landed precisely. Perez just kept getting beaten to the punch. The edge in hand speed was now becoming harder for Perez to overcome.

Finally, in the 8th round, Ramos continued to be a step quicker as he nailed Perez with an overhand right. All of the official judges scored the bout in favor of Rico Ramos. Scores were 78-73 and 80-71 twice. The 22 year old Ramos improved to 14-0, 8 KO's. Ramos has been boxing since he was 8 years old and made his pro debut back in March of 2008. Heading into the bout, Ramos held an edge in amateur experience with 130 fights to Perez's 33. Alejandro Perez falls to 14-2-1, 9 KO's. Hang a punching bag without drilling with a heavy bag stand.

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